Our Founder

StoryGen is founded by Michael Cho. He graduated with a degree in economic history from Princeton University. For close to a decade, Michael has led and scaled numerous sales teams across venture-backed startups.Over the years, he noticed that it was becoming increasingly difficult for companies to get in front of their target buyers, as more and more SDR and sales teams were ‘spamming’ the same prospects repeatedly.​His solution? To create pipeline generation programs that lead with personalization, authenticity, and relevance.

Our Team
Our team motto is “K-I-S-S: Keep it simple, stupid. Great advice. Hurts my feelings every time.” - Dwight from the Office.

In strategizing campaigns and creating copy that lands, we spend countless hours ensuring that we are measuring all of the details without overcomplicating things. Collectively, we all have over 15 years of experience in sales development, data science, and market research. We consider every detail so you don’t have to. 


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